Inside the Infant Classroom
6 weeks - 12 months
The infant goals are to provide a safe, stimulating environment. We offer a wide range of activities such as bouncers, pull-up stations, soft centers, books and music. We will set individual goals on a quarterly basis. You will receive a copy of these goals and the goals will be on file in the classroom for you to review at any time. Our lesson plans correlate directly with the children’s goals. These goals will help promote your child’s early cognitive development as well as the whole child.
Classroom Focus
Gross motor development (crawling and walking unassisted)
Fine motor development (holding toys)
Language development (cooing and babbling)
Social development (engaging in finger plays and songs)
Emotional development (building trusting relationships with caregivers)
Sign language
Tummy time
Infant Classroom Pricing
$1,600 / month
Contact Us
If you have more questions or would like to speak with someone from the DLC, please let us know. We’ll be happy to help.